Ok, when it's been so long since you've blogged that you didn't recognize your blogger dashboard for a minute, something is wrong! lol
Well, I'm just stepping in for a minute to tell you something.
I know I haven't been blogging since the first of the year, nor have i been visiting any of you other than on facebook in the wee hours of the morning or night, and I am so sorry.
I didn't mean to abandon my blog. Truly I didn't.
It happened behind my back.
When I took this retail management job over a year ago, I never knew it was
going to cost me so much of my time. Seriously, I work between 80-90 hours a week.
When I get home all I want to do is sleep.
Thank God I have a husband who takes care of everything 'home'.
Guess What???
My day of freedom is right around the corner!
Yep, that's right - I quit my job.
Yes I did. Yes, even in this economy.
I'll explain later and I promise you'll understand why.
May 12th is my last day, and I'll return to active full time blogging on May 13th.
Oh, I have so much to tell you about.
Projects, projects, projects!
So ladies and gents, I'll see you soon.
Keep me in your reader, ok?