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Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall is in the air...............

I live right outside the foothills in Colorado, close enough to see the leaves change, but far enough away to miss the early snowfalls of the season. The mountains have already gotten about 6" of snow this past week, while the temperatures at the bottom have waned between 52 and 80 degrees.

While the resort areas are gearing up for more snow, we're just starting to feel the first signs of fall. All of the stores have their pumpkin displays neatly piled up on top of hay bales, with fall leaf springs strewn throughout. A pretty site indeed.

While I love those type of displays, I would much rather drive around and find the colors of fall imbedded in nature's own raw bounty. Colorado never disappoints when you're looking for anything beautiful in nature to stop you in your tracks.

I found this scene in the yard of an abandoned house. How pretty, and definitely fall. It was hard to believe that someone would uproot themselves from this property. It sits at the edge of the woods, right outside of the hub-bub of the city.

Can't you see yourself sitting on a bench along the side, sipping homemade hot cocoa? I wonder if any children ever skated on the pond in the winter..................

Can you believe this house is empty? Since I have a very curious nature, I had to peek in the windows. Everything was original to the house, and there was even a servant's kitchen off to the side. Someone of stature must have lived here at one time. I've snuck back up to this property during every season to take pictures. Once I caught it during a heavy snow, and it literally stopped me in my tracks it was so beautiful.
You'll see those pictures show up here at Christmas time.
(Just a side note.....they've now put a fence [big, orange, ugly and plastic] up around the property, and I'm sure it's to keep me out!)

Enjoy the freshness in the air, and look for the beauty that surrounds you.
Happy fall!


  1. Looks beautiful up there! I have lived in Texas my whole life until recently. I love experiencing the fall season now!

  2. What a fabulous house! Hopefully someone will come along, see it's potential, and snap it up! Be sure to make friends if someone does!



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