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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter !

No matter how you choose to celebrate, I hope you have great Easter.
Me? I will be sending up prayers of thanksgiving that I have a risen saviour who has demonstrated more grace with me than any one person should be allowed.

I can't help but think of all the people I love who have passed on, and how they are at the ultimate feast today celebrating the resurrection of Christ, with Christ. I cannot even begin to imagine the magnitude of the celebration. As a lover of the Lord, I look forward to that time when I can see Him face to face.

May you all remember why we have this holiday and acknowledge it as such.

And for those of you with little ones running around the yard trying to find the ever elusive Golden Egg, please post pictures on your blog so we can all share in the fun!

What does Easter mean to you?
How do you celebrate?
Any great traditions you'd like to share?


  1. Actually we celebrated last night with a sumptuous dinner at a really nice restaurant. Today we have been in His presence and just thanking Him for His gifts.
    No little ones here...all my baskets were mailed! Sigh! I miss the joy of watching them find their baskets.

  2. It's been a quiet day for me ~ exhausted from just moving & trying to unpack. I am so grateful that we have these 3 days to especially thank Him for all that He's done for us.

    You are really talented with your blog! I'm pretty new and still trying to learn. Don't know about the buttons yet. Do you have a tutorial?

    Brightest blessings,


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