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Monday, May 17, 2010

Let me Explain - About My Facebook

I've had numerous people from blogland, mostly followers, send me a friend request on Facebook. I haven't answered those, and here's the reason why. First of all, you have a choice to accept or ignore. I think ignore sounds so ugly, so I don't press that button.

As far as accepting you as a friend, Here is why I haven't done that yet.

My Facebook account using my personal name is one I only use for family and the friends we just left back in Denver when we moved to KY. When I set it up, I hadn't even discovered blogging yet. I set it up to keep up with my niece and nephews, grandkids, and my hubby's kids.
I don't have any business or blog content on it.

So, because I'm getting requests more often, I've decided to set up a page for my blog friends. It will be about another week before I have time to do that and put content on it, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do.

I hope I haven't offended anyone by not accepting your friend request thus far, but now you know the reason why.

Thanks for understanding.


  1. If someone gets offended by that Polly...then they aren't 'friends' anyway. LOL!

    You're so sweet to explain, but I personally think need!

  2. Makes perfect sense to me Polly! And is YOUR facebook page/account.

  3. That is very understandable Polly. After all, everyone has access to you through your blog.
    Facebook, twitter...I'm lucky to stay up with blogging and I don't do that very well.

  4. I am right there with you. I only have a private account and get requests from perfect strangers all the time. More so because of the Laura Ingalls Wilder connection.
    What a GRAND idea to start a seperate page. Although it will probably be much like my private page. I check it about once a month. :)

  5. FB, Blogging, Email.....puh! I want to have a cup of coffee with you for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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