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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Need Photography Tips for Your Blog?

I'm sure there are many of us who wish someone would just tell us - errr - show us how to take great pictures for our blog.

Do you want to impress your readers with blog pictures that are more vivid? Clearer? Centered? Focused? Well lit? Taken with a steady hand?
I know I do.

If you want to learn too, then follow me over here.
As part of Funky Junk's WorkShop Series, she is offering a 5 week blog class/series on taking pictures with your regular point and shoot digital camera.

You don't need a special camera for this class, and you'll learn tips and tricks in everyday layman's terms that are easy to understand and put to use right away.

I'll see you there.


  1. Thanks for sharing the link on this. Always good to get photo tips!


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