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Friday, October 2, 2009

I have an Obsession......................

EDITED 11/26/09 to add:
I know this is an older post, but since it was in the very beginning of my new blog, I thought I'd go back to revisit it and link up to Cindy's Show & Tell Friday over at My Romantic Home.
Head back over there to see what everyone else has to show today!
(Please stay a bit and look around my blog. Just click on the header to get back to the homepage. I'd love to have you join my decorating ventures.)

A few of them actually, but I'm going to tell you a bit about my favorite one today. I collect silver things. Silver in color, not always in content. Not just any silver though, and not just any piece. I have one rule - it can't be shiny. The older the better. I love any silver with a patinaed personality, especially the pieces with dirty brown color in the crevaces. Shiny silver does absolutely nothing for me. I once walked in on my housekeeper as she was starting to clean all of my silver treasures. If I hadn't been there in time to stop her, I surley would've been smack dab on the front page news the following day, because I know I would've hurt her. I would've had to, I just know it.

Let's look at some of my collection. This is just a small portion, really.

If I had the energy to get off the couch right now, I'd go upstairs and take a picture of the rest of these in my bedroom. But alas, I am a lazy bum at the moment, so this will have to suffice.

I walk by all of this everyday and I still get goosebumps looking at these pics. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my silver.
One of these days I'll share my other my other obsessions with you................. bird's nests, painted trays,
ecru crochet pieces, floral art, aprons, and fabrics.
What do you love enough to have surrounding you everyday? Leave a comment, let me know.


  1. I'm sorry, what was this post about again?? ;)) just playin'! Seriously, I have a thing for not so shiny silver too. Glad to know I'm not alone in that. Since that makes at least two of us with this addiction, should we start a support group, you know, encourage each other with this addiction, uh, objects of beauty? Just wondering. Love the collection!

  2. My favorite it the little dish with the lid, maybe it could hold some pretty jewelry, which I wouldn't even own.

    I think the only silver I have in my entire house is a baby spoon that was given to me as a baby gift with my name engraved on it.

  3. Love all your tarnished silver pieces. I too love silver and a lot of it is left unpolished because of the lovely old patina.

  4. Those look lovely. Why I have some right now I should send you since you would appreciate them so much. LOL

  5. Hi, Polly,
    I enjoyed seeing all of your pretty silver pieces today! I, too, have many obsessions. I absolutely adore hand painted china! Thank you for sharing your wonderful collection and blessings to you! Vicki

  6. Gorgeous pieces of craftsmanship....and I too like the tarnish on them, they have so much more character.

    My show n tell is HERE

    Happy Friday.

  7. SWWWOOOOOON! SILVERLISHOUS! Love your collection!

  8. What a great collection you have! I love silver too but I don't have have as many pieces as you! I love your wall display!

  9. Wow, what a collection! I love all of it. So gorgeous! Rosie

  10. A wonderful collection, and what you have shared in you profile about "absolute freedom to create with no restrictions whatsoever." shines through in your displays. Creative, enviornmentally friendly, FUN ... and very pretty to.

    Thank you for sharing and have a GRAND weekend.

  11. Oh you have some wonderful pieces here! Just beautiful!!


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