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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yes, it was me...............

Many of you must be parked in front of HGTV right now, because I've recevied quite a few emails asking if that was me on tv with Carter Oosterhouse just now. Well yes, it was.

It's true, once upon a time I was a tv designer.
Did I forget to tell you that? So sorry.

One of these days, I'll come back and talk more about that part of my career. It was definitely a lot of fun, but it was also a lot of hard work. I'll post the specifics to some of the makeovers here on the blog.

To answer the questions I received via email this morning:
I was the first season designer for Carter Can (until they moved the show to CA where I could not picture myself living). After that, I wrote and hosted 2 shows based out of Florida, (The American Home and Building it Green). I did product demonstrations for DIY's Cool Tools, was the behind the scenes designer for The Inside Job on DIY, and co-hosted a pilot called Project Greenhouse (which never took off). Oh yeah, I was also the set designer for What You Get for the Money for about a year or so.

So there you have it.........
Here's a pic from the first show I ever did.....................which never aired, by the way. (It was the original test show for Carter Can.)

(Taken with a cell phone....sorry for the quality).


  1. That is very neat. Someone famous among us. :)

  2. Hi Polly,
    How fun and what a neat experience, please write more about working for HGTV! I see you started a blog. I enjoyed your website so it will be fun to follow along with you. I love your cheery background, its perfect! Oh, yes I agree I could live in the pages of Country French magazine.

  3. That is so cool - I love that show. I'm just now discovering your wonderful blog but it is obvious you are so very talented and absolutely deserved to be the "hostess" on that show! Congrats - wish I could have seen that! Have a great week! Cathy


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